Currently Circular Berlin has several models to build partnerships and collaborations.
Affiliated status
Friends of Circular Berlin
No specific legal agreements
The partnership is realised thrhough affiliation with the association as its supporter, accepting the terms and conditions of the statutes
The partnership is realised in the form of cooperation, which is related to a specific contract's agreement, e.g. project-based
The partnership is realised in the form of sponsorship through a given grant or contribution to the association
Friends of Circular Berlin
The list of the organisations with whom we have inofficial collaboration throughout diverse activities, such as workshop organisations or close collaboration in the knowledge exchange. This type of partnerships is based on trust, shared vision and values. The current overview of the organisations listed here.
At Circular Berlin, there are two main types of members: community members, and team members. The latter also has two sub-categories: Core and Experts. At Circular Berlin, we get together to work on projects which are aligned with our organization's vision. We pool a diverse mix of people, depending on the project. These can include strategists, experts with deep knowledge on a topic, researchers, and design and communication support. We might also partner with a third party if it makes sense. We engage with Circular Berlin on a voluntary basis, and at times on a (paid) freelance basis.
Detailed information about this type of partnership you can find here:
This affiliation happens on specific agreements, usually with the signed contract. Such cooperation can be realised for the project realisation, where each partner commits to complete the tasks on the voluntary or paid basis. More detailed partnerships you can discover on our projects' page, where we mention with whom our members worked.
We welcome diverse support for Circular Berlin, from the like-minded organisations that want to support our activities. The support can be independent of a project but related to the topic of the circular economy. It can be realised in different forms, such as financial support or providing the space, or other services helping us to achieve our goals.
The list of current and previous sponsorhips you can find here.
Last updated